top five frog facts.

leaf number five

the fifth frog fact

There are no vegetarian frogs since the vast majority of frog species are obligate carnivores.

That is, they cannot survive without meat in their diet. Young tadpoles start as omnivores, then become carnivores once they reach the adult stage.

leaf number four

the fourth frog fact

Frogs play dead as another defense mechanism.

They do this by slowing down their breathing and camouflaging as a defense mechanism to hide from predators or seem less appealing to them. Predators look for movement and if a frog looks dead or immobile, a predator has fewer chances of attacking.

leaf number three

the third frog fact

Some frogs scream when they are afraid, feel like they are in danger, to defend their territory, or if a predator gets too close.

A frog scream may sound funny but it can be an effective way for them to surprise a predator and deter it from attacking.

leaf number two

the second frog fact

Frogs pee when picked up as a defense mechanism.

A frog will pee if it is afraid and wants to escape. They do not like to be picked up as they absorb practically everything through their skin and salts, oils, soil, and lotions from our hands can irritate them.

leaf number one

the first frog fact

Regardless of how many times you kiss a frog, it will not turn into royalty.

Trust me. I've tried.

facts were taken from here.